official black parade stationary sold at hot topic (2008)
hour glass paper pack 3.99
gas mask notebook and folder 6.99
hour glass pencils 2.99
hour glass pens 4.99
from my
official black parade stationary sold at hot topic (2008)
hour glass paper pack 3.99
gas mask notebook and folder 6.99
hour glass pencils 2.99
hour glass pens 4.99
from my
“win a macbook air painted by gerard way” (2008)
“Hot Topic is running a contest to win a MacBook Air Painted by Gerard! If you win it, you will also get everything that My Chemical Romance has ever done loaded ON the laptop! How awesome is this?!
You must be a U.S. resident to enter the contest.
CLICK HERE to enter for your chance to win!”
Credit: for the info!
NOTE: Hot Topics website is freaking out when you try to enter so keep trying it does eventually let you enter lol“
from my 07/27/2008
“Breathe in, out. Greet the energy in the atmosphere. Try and have a good one but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t.”
gerard’s tweet from this day 9 years ago
from 2009 brazil fan geocities
from 2009 brazil fan geocities + 2001 motorcity
notable mcr msn groups the legendary UMCRS and the chemical romance from 2007 (my asylums)
I was give_em_hell_kid555 if you even care lmao
mcr logo from 2003