Category: revenge era

  • 12/09/2004 106.5 twisted christmas arco arena sacramento ca

    some crunchies from

    12/09/2004 kwod 106.5 twisted christmas show arco arena sacramento ca

  • 12/10/2004 cafe du nord san francisco ca 

    (tiny pictures only bc bad quality)

    12/10/2004 cafe du nord san francisco ca

    photos from 2005 immortality project and flyer from

  • 08/20/2004 gillette stadium foxborough ma

    gillette stadium in foxborough MA 08/20/2004 – photos by dan samhold (futurebreed)

  • unorganized pile from finnish fansite called “heaven help us all”

    2015 finnish fansite “heaven help us all”

  • 2005 hardcore ink

    2005 hardcore ink from mcrhollywood

  • video and transcription of much on demand 2005

    had to transcribe this – too many defining moments

    host: we got marty. marty’s gonna come on the show. come on in. (introductions) come on in here (x3) now marty’s brought a little something/something for you guys um marty, what have you brought for the gentlemen? I saw it. actually lets get them first, bring em out (x3)

    tv lady: frankkk. FRANKK

    frank: get away from me. get the hell away

    tv lady: frank

    frank: NO istg i’ll start punching people

    tv lady: (in the distance) FRANK GET OVER HERE

    frank: goodbye!

    spider guy: so frank apparenly loves it

    tv lady: frank is gone he totally vaulted (I looked this up as a verb means leap)

    gerard: look they left!

    ray: he peaced out

    gerard: see, the thing is…

    spider guy: that’s lola (some kinda) tarantula. we’ve got a nice little petting zoo for you guys to take a look at

    host: do any of you guys want to touch that at all?

    gerard: no-

    spider guy: no ones ever been hurt by a tarantula. they’re harmless

    host: tarantulas cannot hurt you

    tv lady: do you like spiders gerard?

    gerard: they don’t really bother me. frank is deathly- he’s deathly afraid of spiders

    tv lady: aw I feel bad now

    gerard: yeahhh well you should (lol jk)

    ray: is it gonna bite

    gerard: nah, he just got outta here before he got too scared. they don’t bite! T O R O go for it!

    ray: alright (holds the spider) get it off me GET IT OFF ME

    spider guy: alright we’re gonna put her back. I got something you might like instead of the tarantula

    ray: no this is actually kinda cool

    gerard: hey frank can you hear me? they have scorpions!

    tv lady: i’ll go get him

    ray: they brought snakes

    spider guy: this is reggie. reggies our baby boa constrictor. friendly snakes lotta people have heard of them.

    host: will it bite?

    spider guy: not gonna bite ya not gonna hurt ya.

    host: give it to me i’m gonna take it outside. i’m a little nervous though why don’t you take it outside? (to gerard)

    gerard: nOOO way man

    spider guy: try her on, if you don’t want to hold the snake. the snake will hold you.

    host: lets go to (unintelligible) it’s not so bad

    gerard: no this is fine right here. lets get him off now. its actually. 🇮🇹 it’s like a big piece of baloney

    tv lady: frank won’t come in i’ve tried to get him

    frank: 😜

    gerard: yeah he won’t it’s because you have a spider in a box

    lady: get it off me! (etc.)

    much on demand 2005

  • 2005 much on demand

    2005 much on demand

  • gerard on mtv’s playlistism

    mtv web.archive

  • 2006 heartbreak graphic novel gerard is featured in

    gerard wrote the intro to this graphic novel in 2006. just got a paperback copy and wanted to share my scans!


    In 1998, I took a comedy writing class at SVA in New York City. It was my senior year as a cartooning major and I had started to tie up all the loose ends of what credits I needed. Thal year i tried everything from surrealist literature to acting, I even gol to play the devil for my final exam… a part that made me realize I loved performing but that I had a problem being serious. Any part that I excelled at was way over the top or insanc.. so I decided I was funny. I figured I would try my hand at comedy writing. I wasn’t funny.

    At least to everyone else in the class, save one person… That day the assignment was to take a classic work of literature and make a joke of it. I decided to take Mark Twain’s “The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn” and write a short story exactly as Mark Twain would but add one single moment where Tom, while on a raft floating down the Mississippi River, describes the summer breeze getting him excited in a certain way. No one laughed at this… except a guy wearing an Avengers T-Shirt. Not the comic book Avengers, but the classic 60’s spy show Avengers, something I took notice of that day. Over lunch break I leaned over and broke the ice with a particularly inappropriate subject to see if this guy was legit. He was.

    This began a love affair between, in my opinion, the only two people in the class that were actually funny. The next few weeks saw us pushing the envelope of what would make each other laugh. There was nothing sacred, nothing we wouldn’t try to tie a punch-line on. I had never laughed so hard in my life and we became fast friends, writing for an audience of one.

    Jon and I have been friends now for 9 years. We have seen each other at various stages of our lives, through numerous relationships and turmoil, and have sat up until 6am talking about zombies and Asia Argento every single time I have come off the road. He is like a brother.

    All of these stories are true, and all of them have happened to all of us …Jon and Nick are just more honest about it. We have all fallen in love, we have all had people fall out of love with us, but the stories in Heartbreak paint these moments with such authenticity it makes you remember all of the glorious self-deprecation. The blood and guts and the long drive home alone… the years spent aimlessly searching for someone.

    Heartbreak is a snapshot of those years. It isn’t pretty and it isn’t glamorous… but it will make you laugh- at these guys and at yourself. At the things we do to be loved, at the depths we will sink to get someone to say those three words back to us.

    And that, my friends, is funny.

    – Gerard Way

    Seattle 2006

  • gerard politely asking to maybe possibly not do blood the next three times

    gerard: well I don’t have any problems. the only thing is we’ve done two shoots with blood already.

    photographer: o really?

    gerard: 😬 yeahhh the first one, we had bloody cheerleaders and second one we did for kerrang there was blood like on our hands.
