Author: admin

  • bands who endorse pencey prep or

    aw look at that baby I bet he’s trying to hide how happy he is. wait.

    from old pencey prep website 2000

  • mydinnercult:

    WHAT??? THIS ONE IS DEFINITELY my dinner 🤤🤤🤤

    inspired by @infectiouspiss quote “dunes r just a hearty meal”

  • ray moment from lotms

    “we had a HUGE meeting. the bus is always dirty. doug has just given up trying to clean the bus and he’s laughing but he knows it’s true cuz there’s no room for any thing. and – cuz we fucking live like animals” – blue short sleeve button down peak drip lotms ray


  • val-velociraptor:

    20 years ago today, Michael romance invented gay people . Everybody say thank you to frank and gerard for their contributions to the field

  • n3cr0neta:


  • frankbankinternational:

    Frank On This Day:

    My Chemical Romance – Warsaw 09/06/2022

    photo credit: Hubert MarzeckiALT
    photo credit: Hubert MarzeckiALT
    photo credit: Hubert MarzeckiALT
    photo credit: Mantas DaleckisALT
    photo credit: Mantas DaleckisALT
    photo credit: Maciek TestujeALT
    photo credit: Maciek TestujeALT
    photo credit: Maciek TestujeALT
    photo credit: katherinerat on IGALT
    photo credit: katherinerat on IGALT

    (photographer credit in image description)

  • frankbankinternational:

    bts of Frank shooting the Grey Veins video, released a year ago today!

    via L.S. Dunes on IG

  • spaceyraygun new upload lfg

    06/10/2004 north star bar in philadelphia, PA, US

    NEW (2004) spaceyraygun recording!

    spacey recorded the band during it’s early years and I wanted to post their new video and talk about their work. mcr referred to spacey in an interview on their channel “sweet dude, sweet hair, bootlegger”

    they have released uploads of these early shows and have the best quality audio you could find- because they are originals. you may have seen mcr archive and myself post about these recordings but I don’t think enough people know about spacey. they recorded the 2003 seton hall interview, djrosstar, loveline interviews. they recorded the first sister to sleep, jack the ripper, among other things. their yt about:

    “Four of my MCR recordings were used on four official releases and other promotional uses: * Like Phantoms Forever CD-r – Jack The Ripper [Morrissey] (live) * Headfirst For Halos CD and 7” – Our Lady Of Sorrows (live) * Thank You For The Venom 7” – Jack The Ripper [Morrissey] (live) * MySpace Music Player – Sister To Sleep (soundcheck) * exclusive download – It’s Not A Fashion Statement, It’s A Fucking Deathwish (live)” – spaceyraygun

  • dr0wninthefear:

    FUCKING, SURE!!!!!!!!

    via michaelbarolet’s IG stories

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