broncos vs san francisco 49ers, american football at wembley 10/31/2010
by rikdom on flickr
its my favorite part. sorry for the crunches
frank: (kicks box)
ofstage person: aww nice /s
offstage person: guys.. guys…
frank: (pulling down the decorations)
offstage people: noo
interviewer: (to frank) i’m so sick- you’re annoying.
frank: (ducks to miss box thrown by interviewer)
mikey: (throws box at interviewer)
much music yearbook 2005 teyana joy kent on yt
wipes tear away with arm like a booger
frank in this moment at fireside bowl, chicago il 12/02/2002 (video)
“We have a photographer I really love, Justin Borucki. He ended up doing all the photos of the band for the record. But he was supposed to do this set up of a man and a woman. It was supposed to be a photo of them covered in blood.
So, I pass all my sketches over, and he’s sitting there looking at them and he’s like, “What do you want me to do with these?” I was like, “I’m just going to give them to the photographer and he’s going to recreate the situation.” He goes, “How come you’re not using these?”
I’m like, “I don’t know. I haven’t done art in years.” So, I didn’t think of myself that way. I didn’t think they were good enough. He loved them. He was like, “This is your cover, dude.” ”
bonus photo of gerard from this interview:
04/17/2004 skate and surf fest elyse janowski interview with gerard
“Was there an official name of the My Chem studio?
frank: There was: Access Chemicals.”
alt press 389 from kiss of violence on twitter
mcr joy is the same as pissing yourself laughing joy.