the only proof I can rely on in 2024 that frank/ft willz were one and the same.
ft willz myspace blog poem “shits bananas when you’re disinterested” exactly matches the one posted on franks 2013 website– crediting himself at the end. a very unique title for it to be coincidental.
this eyeball thumbnail from the 2008 skeletoncrew website is labelled as f.t.willz and will bring you to their poems. (eyeball w/ text) the other pictures of the respective artists bring you to their work.
The one that looks like it could be franks eyeball is the one that will bring you to ft willz poetry. i’m all but convinced.
upon investigating the poems, there are no matches for ft willz poems on franks website except “shits bananas”
here is how you can search frank’s old website for keywords. no known texts from ft willz can be found. besides “shits bananas”
by that same method, you can search for ft willz or ftw from 2005-2014 here
this image below has long served as the main piece of evidence of ft willz. reposted tons but no source.
The first is supposedly from ft willz myspace blog, the second is the same poem on franks website.
The ft willz version of this cannot be sourced. maybe someone can find it. but the source to that image has never been around. just reposted.
wayback machine has very few captures of ft willz myspace blog (like 10) and only one poem can be traced to frank.
I get that it is almost as crazy to believe the “I really like you” myspace screenshot is fake than to believe it’s real.
If it’s fake, they did a real good job making it look real. but text is so easy to shop, even in 2014.
So I have disposed of the “from my head to my middle finger” aspect of this theory. there just is not enough proof.
another impossible to source thing: the weird bible ft willz fans worship
there is a master compilation of “frank and ft willz” poetry pdf that an entire subreddit uses as its main resource- and most everyone who believes ft willz just accepts it as legitimate.
but whos to say the person that made it didn’t just open word and get angsty? no one knows where it came from and no one can say how they got it.
this pdf is troubling because it provides many new works supposedly by frank/ft willz and many accept it all as franks words- without any proof of who the words it came from.
@myxchemicalximbalance edited this post with your frank photo. thank you so much for finding the eye pull frank picture so I could compare and contrast with the ft willz eyeball. it’s pretty close I thought it was the same damn picture at first.
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