video and transcription of much on demand 2005

had to transcribe this – too many defining moments

host: we got marty. marty’s gonna come on the show. come on in. (introductions) come on in here (x3) now marty’s brought a little something/something for you guys um marty, what have you brought for the gentlemen? I saw it. actually lets get them first, bring em out (x3)

tv lady: frankkk. FRANKK

frank: get away from me. get the hell away

tv lady: frank

frank: NO istg i’ll start punching people

tv lady: (in the distance) FRANK GET OVER HERE

frank: goodbye!

spider guy: so frank apparenly loves it

tv lady: frank is gone he totally vaulted (I looked this up as a verb means leap)

gerard: look they left!

ray: he peaced out

gerard: see, the thing is…

spider guy: that’s lola (some kinda) tarantula. we’ve got a nice little petting zoo for you guys to take a look at

host: do any of you guys want to touch that at all?

gerard: no-

spider guy: no ones ever been hurt by a tarantula. they’re harmless

host: tarantulas cannot hurt you

tv lady: do you like spiders gerard?

gerard: they don’t really bother me. frank is deathly- he’s deathly afraid of spiders

tv lady: aw I feel bad now

gerard: yeahhh well you should (lol jk)

ray: is it gonna bite

gerard: nah, he just got outta here before he got too scared. they don’t bite! T O R O go for it!

ray: alright (holds the spider) get it off me GET IT OFF ME

spider guy: alright we’re gonna put her back. I got something you might like instead of the tarantula

ray: no this is actually kinda cool

gerard: hey frank can you hear me? they have scorpions!

tv lady: i’ll go get him

ray: they brought snakes

spider guy: this is reggie. reggies our baby boa constrictor. friendly snakes lotta people have heard of them.

host: will it bite?

spider guy: not gonna bite ya not gonna hurt ya.

host: give it to me i’m gonna take it outside. i’m a little nervous though why don’t you take it outside? (to gerard)

gerard: nOOO way man

spider guy: try her on, if you don’t want to hold the snake. the snake will hold you.

host: lets go to (unintelligible) it’s not so bad

gerard: no this is fine right here. lets get him off now. its actually. 🇮🇹 it’s like a big piece of baloney

tv lady: frank won’t come in i’ve tried to get him

frank: 😜

gerard: yeah he won’t it’s because you have a spider in a box

lady: get it off me! (etc.)

much on demand 2005


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