97x 2007 interview with frank and gerard

mcr talks about the kickball game(s)

more shots from that day from “97x 2007 a look back and mcrs recount of the game

frank: ahh shoot. that sucks

gerard: wow.

frank: yeah. that was me laughing at him

gerard: I was probably terrible. I was always terrible at kick ball. oh look at that hair though. It doesn’t really matter how good I am

frank: [laughs] when you got locks like that

frank: oh wow what is that? oh that’s like a burger king crown of some sort. how’d that happen?

(below is about a different kickball game from around the same time)

gerard: oh yeah so we show up and they’re like “you guys are gonna get to play kickball and we had done this one and had a lot of fun. and we were like cool we’re gonna play kickball again alright? and uh it was right around this time actually. because this was like warped era I guess it looks like

frank: yeah. I think we went through like a kickball.. thing

gerard: thing. yeah. and so we show up and there is a team. a professional.. team

frank: a professional kickball team

gerard: of 45 year olds drunk dudes. and their only objective was to completely destroy us. we thought we were gonna get to play with fans

frank: [laughs] yeah. we were like "so wheres the kids that we’re supposed to play with and they where like "oh. they’re here. these-these old men that are throwing up in the corner. when they’re done throwing up they’re gonna beat you in kickball. and we were like "ok” and they were like [the radio censored what ever frank said lollll]

gerard:I remember I wiffed.

frank: [laughs] it was awesome

gerard: there was a ball that came at me and I kicked and I wiffed. and they just laughed. I think I walked off

frank: I think you did.

gerard: yeah. I walked away.

frank: at some point we convinced them that we were yknow changing places on the team and we just left. and they ended up playing the rest of the game by themselves

gerard: yeah. basically

frank: they didn’t even know

gerard: no idea

frank: and I think they didn’t win. [laughing] I don’t know

97x 2007 interview with frank and gerard


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