update on fireside bowl vhs I bought

got a vhs player and some converters to upload the mcr bootleg soon.

It says fireside bowl 2002 lol and it’s likely the version on yt

but dammit what if it’s not

It was made after 2010.. but curious @spaceyraygun this isn’t your bootleg is it? highly doubt it due to the fact that the vhs references like 3 different eras.

We’ve got “2002” then a 2005 scan of mcr and then the danger days spider (2010). there’s no telling.

There are 15 of these vhs out there and available through the link if anyone is interested.

darn. the bootleg contained the brad nolan recording that has been available on yt for a couple years. 12/02/2002 fireside bowl chicago il – brad nolan video from katies music archive and fanremaster

in notes @spaceyraygun explained there were bootlegs of brad nolan’s videos (of fireside bowl 2002 &2003) that showed on youtube in the last couple of years. which confirmed that the tape was created relatively recently lol

there was this moment with with these letters at the beginning that are new. it could be an early brad nolan watermark (don’t quote me on that I have no idea what it is)

google translate: “no book” also it told me the language might not be supported and it couldn’t detect it.


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