Author: admin

  • old skeleton crew from merchbooth lj

  • old merch on 2010 lj

    old merch on 2010 lj

  • frank photo and backwards poem from



    .these words are forced to fit my mood

    .im so sick of these mirrors

    .meticulously isolated yet always surrounded

    .i have nothing to say that wont get me into trouble

    .your frost is a punch to the gut

    .these days are covered in thorns

    .my tears fall short of escaping my eyes

    .but we try

    .and we fail

    .so we try some more

    .and together we shall see what time is made of

  • f-t-willz-must-die-blog:

    smacking against rock bottom. fallen headfirst down that rabbit hole out of fucking nowhere, eyes wide, limbs flailing.

    “i’m losing sleep, i’m losing friends.”

    my only apology is that I have none to give. either way, the show must go on (and on and on and on and on and on and quitfuckingthisupnow).

    marching to the beat of a funeral dirge.

    but is it mine?

    who the fuck knows. no one knows anything.

    metastasizing. losing my place in the li(f)e i apparently lead, and watching it all spiral.

    “houston, we have a problem.”

    fuck houston. ground control’s got no control over anything, just like everyone else. still floundering through empty airspace, gone catatonically comatose. i’m always sour to the taste, bitter to the end, selfish to a fault. i’d love for you to hate my guts if they weren’t already covered in ulcers that only a mother could love.


    are you even listening?

    there’s no more room for my skeleton(s). the one inside this horribly heavy, hindered body climbs out of its skin and walks the world, all by itself, light and free.

    that sickening feeling when you’re not yourself. i’m not myself. who is myself? myself is no one. that’s who I am.

    no one.

    08/25/2013 this account said (above)

    1/14/2013 from franks website below

  • take whatever you want from me, but know that none of the hate and pain is free.


    i saw the end of the world in my sleep, it was like a horrifying dream that fell in too deep, like a flailing infant into the deep end of the pool that figured out it couldn’t breathe. pupils dilate and hairs stand up on the back of my neck, i’m flaying myself open for you. i can learn to live with my darkness and my tragedies, you can trust me. please trust me. there’s a lot here that neither of us understand, and the air between is full of empty questions and loose promises floating along like so much discarded human detritus. oh, there’s so much that we don’t know.

                     you need to understand.

                     i need to understand.

                     they need to understand.

    floating above the ceiling staring down at the grotesque masquerades that i’ve committed, i’m just sorry that i never took the time to tell you. all our molecules are colliding and yet we’ve never even touched, but it’s the oxygen carrying all my bad intentions over to you (understand?). there’s still so much left for me to see, i don’t believe i can possibly cram it all into my already swelled to bursting brain. but someday i’ll find the space, someday i’ll see it all. and someday, you’ll see exactly why it is that i kept so much



    05/19/2013 what ftw said above:

    this was said 5 days after it was posted on 2013

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