this is about mikey and his jomps
famous last words outttakes
2013 kerrang #1461 from mcrhollywood
oh god okay yeah~🎃
happy frank friday :p (btw this is an old live he hasn’t been live recently )
happy frank friday :p
(btw this is an old live he hasn’t been live recently )
PJ Harvey in 1993 Photograph: Paul Natkin/Getty Images via The Guardian
PJ Harvey in 1993
Photograph: Paul Natkin/Getty Images via The Guardian
i’m not okay outtakes
kerrang! #1815 – 03/14/2020
Frnkiero and the Cellabration live @ Boot and Saddle (Philadelphia)// September 7, 2014
ray: I like how they have that like uh- they got nasa thing? like what up with that poster of the dude? of the astronaut? how does it make it like principals office it just works it’s so funny.
from the making of i’m not okay