Tag: bullets

  • earlycuntsets:

    “at the recent bloomfield ave show, me and my friend steve were waiting in line for the bathroom. gerard comes over and gets in line with us. we were talking about various things such as his lack of leather, the scene, etc. meanwhile, the rest of the band were halfway through setting up. when it’s steve’s turn for the bathroom, gerard was like "dude, i really gotta be on stage, but i don’t want to seem like a rockstar or nothing by cutting you in line.. do you think i could piss in the sink while you go?”

    well, needless to say, i was very careful about my business when it was my turn, so i wouldn’t have to use that sink.

    a month later, at hellfest, i caught gerrard on his way to the port-a-potties. and informed him that there were no sinks to urinate in.“

    2003 fan account from bradleyxchaos on livejournal

    08/06/2003 bloomfield ave cafe montclair nj – taken by brian woodard

    (audio of this show – spaceyraygun)

  • the butt clench. that gets it’s own post

    also jumping on the drums and clamoring away

  • i’ll live to see the day that you break

    attention reader – I am a graveyard – 03/22/2003 club krome nj

  • franks from 12/2020 alternative press #389

    scans from kiss of violence on twitter

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