Stomachaches. is a record of stories. It’s about Frank’s life and about the lives of those around him. Frank played all the instruments except drums – which were handled by Jarrod Alexander, who filled the My Chemical Romance drum stool before their split. Most of the album – the guitars, the vocals, half the bass – was recorded in Frank’s basement and, in the best possible way, it sounds like it. On the faster songs, his vocals echo and howl while the guitars spit and punch. Both voice and guitar are dirty as sin, needle in the red. On the beautiful and delicate .stage 4 fear of trying. – which is just Frank’s guitar and voice – there’s a vulnerability that is almost indecent. But it all sounds desperately real, Frank’s voice is at each song’s heart in a way that it hasn’t been heard before. And what he’s singing about is that same restlessness he’s always felt. He’s looking for his place in life, and he’s not sure he can find it
“‘the kids better be dressed really fucked up’ gerard said before the first night of the World Contamination Tour in London. He was joking and mock challenging the fans, but there was a part if him that was serious. ‘I hope i’m not disappointed. If they aren’t I’m gonna be like, "I dunno if I want to do this anymore.” There better be masks or I’m gonna be pissed. What’s the fucking point if they’re not going to dress up? If they don’t come up to me and tell me their Killjoy name, I"m going. to be bummed’“ – gerard from the mcr book "not the life it seems”