2005 mtv my chemical romance warped tour diary pt.2 – frankanthonyierox3 on yt
source: youtube.com
if you have a bullets cd you have this! (vampires edition)
if you have a bullets cd you have this! (honey this mirror music video)
non concert photos from mychemicalromance.com 2004
source: web.archive.org
11/03/2007 mcr msi palasharp milan italy – lucia noneofyourbusiness’s flickr
source: earlycuntsets.org
new season of the L word looking good
this post is about the bat. I had one. you can get them anywhere and put them in your car! 😎
Iridescent Hanging Plastic Bat, 12in x 5.6in
06/30/2007 house of wolves hovefestivalen tromøya arendal norway
lol the video actually blacked out there
2005 band page from mychemicalromance.com