Tag: the stupidest band in the world

  • insanityinabigcloaktrynaacthuman:



    I really meant that btw

    every note babyyyy (<- not a flex, this dude’s brain is filled to the brim with mcr there is no space left for intelligence)

    beautifully done! this reminds me of my ray solos!

    VENOM GUITARin my car call that the honda civic tourvocal of guitar part
    PRISON GUITARin my car call that the honda civic tourvocal of guitar part

    how dare you be a thousand times funnier than me on my own post

    #time to start our a capella group #fifth mcrmony

    with such great puns and vocals you know i can’t say no!

    11/05/2024, mcrmony has now been created

    for better or for worse (probably for worse)

    ahhhaha yes aw thank you so much! omg you know it will be the mcr5 everyone has been waiting for

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